Replacing vs. Repairing Carpets

Replacing vs repairing carpets


Like any other decor, carpets are subject to wear over time. When this does happen, you’re left with the option to repair or replace the carpet.

Many struggle to decide between replacing versus repairing their carpets. Keep reading if you’re also in this situation and want to know the best course of action.

When to Replace a Carpet

Some of the possible signs that indicate the replacement of carpet is necessary include:

  • Serious indoor allergies due to mold, mildew and dust
  • Worn-out carpet padding
  • Carpet wear, such as burns and stains
  • Foul smells
  • Old-fashioned carpet styles

How to Fix a Damaged Carpet

So, your flooring isn’t too far gone, which leads to the question, can you replace a piece of carpet? Here are the steps on how to fix a damaged section of carpet:

Step 1: Gather Supplies

The first step in carpet mending is to get the tools needed:

  • Utility knife
  • Extra piece of matching carpet
  • Star seam roller
  • Heat-set or pressure-activated carpet seam tape
  • Cushion back cutter
  • Scissors
  • Natural-bristle brush
  • Matching piece of carpet pad
  • Screwdriver

Step 2: Mark the Damaged Section

With your screwdriver, trace a square around the destroyed section of your carpet. Place the head of the screwdriver downward to separate the fibers in a straight line. This approach protects the carpet fibers from any cuts. You can skip this step if your goal is to look for ideas on how to repair a hole in your carpet.

Step 3: Pull Out the Damaged Part

Cut a square using your cushion back cutter. Try not to cut carpet fibers and only cut in the channel you made with the screwdriver. Once you’re done, carefully remove the damaged carpet section.

Examine the carpet padding to see whether it’s still in excellent condition. If it’s destroyed, use your utility knife to cut and replace it.

Step 4: Cut the Donor Piece

If you had extra carpet after installation, cut a patch from that. If not, cut a donor piece, which is a matching carpet cut from a concealed area. Good areas to get the donor piece include under furniture, in corners or inside closets. Use a cushion back cutter to cut a donor piece that you can patch to the damaged section of your carpet.

Step 5: Attach the Donor Piece

Test to see whether the donor piece fits nicely into the cut part of your carpet. If all four sides fit, use a heat-set tape to attach the donor piece in a high-traffic area.

You can also use pressure-activated tape, which is a cheaper alternative. Be careful when using this approach because the tape is very sticky and you won’t be able to remove the donor piece once it sticks.

Step 6: Blend the Seams

Blend the fibers along the seam with a star wheel carpet roller. You can also use a brush or comb made with natural fibers to fuse the old and new carpet pieces into an unseen seam. Be gentle to avoid removing the carpet fibers.

Get Expert Cleaning or Repair From Citrus Fresh Carpet Cleaning

Your carpet could be saved! Citrus Fresh Carpet Cleaning does residential and commercial carpet cleaning and restoration around Atlanta to bring your flooring back to life. We offer services like pet stain and odor removal and carpet repairs so you don’t need to get an entire replacement. Reach out to us for the details or schedule your appointment online!